6-Week Crash Course: Pregnancy to Postpartum (Limited Spots Available)

Thinking of having a baby? or are Currently Pregnant?
Join me on a journey of educational knowledge that you won't read in a book.

Join me: Stay tune for an up coming date...

‣ Join me for 6 one hour live zoom workshops
Email suppot
‣ Three 1:1 support calls (15-20 mins each)
Recording of all 6 workshops
15% discount code for kiddo sleep factors

‣ Extra....Freebees ie: hospital check list, top 50 best selling products that my patients voted they can't live with out and my colic guide.

Topics we will cover in this workshop series

Pregnancy need to knows (10 top personal self-care tips)

Breastfeeding Part 1(Best practice to accessorie that can hep your milk supple)

Breastfeeding Part 2 (Signs things are going well, to how to store milk etc.)

Postpartum Part 1 (baby sounds, latching etc.)

Postpartum Part 2 (skin to skin, how to increase breastmilk supply etc.)

Baby Developmental Stages (From tummy time, food, sleep etc)

You might be asking yourself why join? maybe you don't enjoy reading books....wouldn't it be nice to have an expirence health care professoinal answer your question in real time and not have to wait for your next in person appointment with a support team member to do so. A health care professional who has been in your shoes and had strugges of her own.

Let me help you....

✨ Find peace of mind through all stages- from pregnancy to postpartum
Be as present as you can be with your child and your partner
✨ Ability to heal your body faster and feel better, and most confidence through this journey from pregnancy to postpartum.
Filter through all the extra information you don't need to know
✨ Giving you information on what you need to know to help you get prepared and ready for each stage of your pregnancy and postpartum.
✨ Let me teach you how to breastfeed like a champion and help leave your anxiety at the door to become your most confident self as you enter this next phase called "parenthood"
✨ Don't let yourself fall into the feeling of failure, let me provide you with multiple tools to help you through each struggle that resonate best with you and your partners values.

No "shoulds", just the best and most recent research and options availble to you.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Nominate someone for a full scholarship for this 6 weeks course. (CLICK HERE)